Saturday, April 2, 2011

The Dick Head of the year SO FAR = Pastor Terry Jones

Really Pastor Terry Jones (Christian fundamentalist), what are you thinking! But you have killed 9 U.N workers! What for?

The White House had condemned the plan, and Muslim organizations around the world have warned of the consequences should the Koran-burning go ahead. But the church is sticking to its plans. Naturally the radical Islamophobes know very well that their deliberate provocation will trigger violent protests and riots. But they have washed their hands of any responsibility. "Let's just make one thing clear," the wannabe Koran-burners write on their blog. "A small church, in a small town, down a back road, burning copies of its own books, on its own property, is not responsible for the violent actions anyone may take in retaliation to our protest."


Terry Jones, the man behind the action, is the pastor of the Dove World Outreach Center, a church that manages to attract a Sunday congregation of just 50 people, members of the radical fringe of the evangelical movement. Jones, a 58-year-old former hotel manager with a distinctive mustache, is also the author of a polemic book titled "Islam Is of the Devil."

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